Working with Horus: Offerings, Herbs, Crystals & More

Horus, one of the most significant ancient Egyptian deities, represents the sky, war, hunting, and kingship. With a falcon’s head and a human’s body, he stands as a bridge between the earthly and heavenly realms.

Revered as the divine protector of the pharaoh, Horus’s influence and presence remain alive in modern spirituality.

About Horus

One of the most famous and revered deities in the ancient Egyptian pantheon, Horus is a symbol of kingship, protection, and sky’s vastness.

His worship can be traced back to the late prehistoric Egypt before the first Dynasty, making him one of the oldest recognized deities.

Horus’s name, “Heru” or “Har” in ancient Egyptian, likely means “the distant one,” referencing his association with the sky and the height of the falcons that were sacred to him.

Horus is often depicted as a falcon or a man with a falcon’s head crowned with the red and white crown of united Egypt, called the Pschent.

However, his representations are not limited to these. In certain regions and eras, he was also depicted as a lion or a light disk with falcon’s wings.

In the Osiris myth, the most influential of all ancient Egyptian myths, Horus is the son of Isis and Osiris. After Osiris was murdered by his brother Seth, Isis resurrected him long enough to conceive a child.

Isis then hid Horus among the marshes of Egypt, away from Seth’s wrath. Once Horus grew to adulthood, he challenged Seth for the right to rule Egypt, becoming the unifier of the two lands and the avenger of his father.

Horus’s eyes are of particular importance in his mythos. The right eye, associated with the sun, represents a manifestation of power and royal authority.

In his battle against Seth, Horus’s left eye, associated with the moon, was injured or stolen. It was later healed or returned by Hathor or Thoth, symbolizing the restoration and healing process. This “Eye of Horus” became an important Egyptian symbol of protection and healing.

In addition to his roles in the cosmic order, Horus was also a patron of young men and the ideal of the dutiful son who avenges his father’s death.

Throughout the dynastic period, pharaohs were considered the living embodiment of Horus, further solidifying his association with kingship.

Horus’s consort is Hathor, the goddess of love, beauty, and joy. Together, they had a child named Ihy, who was a god of music.

Understanding the complex nature and attributes of Horus can be a key to building a profound connection with this powerful deity.

With a legacy that stretches back to the earliest periods of Egyptian history, Horus stands as a testament to the enduring power of the divine.

Symbols & Associations

Horus is widely associated with a variety of symbols and themes, reflecting his varied roles and attributes:

  • Eye of Horus (Wadjet): A prominent symbol of protection, healing, and restoration, the Eye of Horus is often depicted as a stylized human eye and eyebrow.
  • Falcon: Horus is frequently represented as a falcon or a man with the head of a falicon, signifying his dominion over the sky and the sun.
  • Pharaohs: The pharaohs of ancient Egypt were considered earthly embodiments of Horus. Their names were often accompanied by falcon imagery, symbolizing divine sanction and royal authority.
  • Sphinx: Particularly as “Horemakhet” or “Horus in the Horizon”, the Sphinx, with its lion’s body and human head, is viewed by some as a representation of Horus, denoting his protective nature.
  • Colors: Blue, reflecting the sky, and gold, linked with the sun, are colors associated with Horus, underscoring his roles as the sky deity and his solar connections.
  • Ma’at: Horus is closely associated with Ma’at, the ancient Egyptian concept embodying truth, balance, order, law, morality, and justice. This connection stems from Horus’s narrative of restoring order and justice after avenging his father’s murder.


Horus is one of the most powerful gods in the Egyptian pantheon, with abilities that both command the respect of other deities and inspire the awe of mortal beings. His powers reflect his role as a sky deity, a warrior, and a protector.

As a sky god, Horus has dominion over the sun and the moon, the two celestial bodies represented by his eyes. This association gives him control over time, seasons, and natural elements, such as weather and sunlight.

His eye, “the Eye of Horus” or “the Wadjet,” is a powerful symbol in Egyptian mythology, embodying protection, health, and rejuvenation. It’s said that the healed eye of Horus can bring the dead to life, a testament to its regenerative power.

Horus is also a formidable warrior, often depicted as a falcon-headed man wearing a Pschent, a double crown symbolizing his rulership over both Upper and Lower Egypt.

His powers as a warrior god are not only physical but also strategic. He is credited with the ability to guide and influence the outcome of battles, providing strategic wisdom and strength to those he favors.

As a protector, Horus is often invoked for safeguarding and guidance. He’s known to protect the pharaohs in life and the dead on their journey to the afterlife. This role also extends to ordinary people who seek his protection against evil forces and misfortune.

In certain myths, Horus is associated with the concept of divine kingship, lending legitimacy and divine favor to the rule of pharaohs. This aspect further enhances his influence and authority, signifying his unique power among the gods of ancient Egypt.


Making offerings to Horus is a way to show reverence, build a relationship, and invoke his presence and blessings.

These offerings can take various forms, reflecting the rich mythology and symbolism associated with Horus.

The best offerings for Horus include:

  • Bread and Barley: Ancient Egyptians often offered bread and barley to their deities, and Horus is no exception. These offerings represent sustenance and the bounty of the earth.
  • Beer and Wine: These were common offerings in ancient Egypt. Offering beer or wine can be seen as a gesture of celebration and honor. Remember to offer a small amount in a dedicated vessel.
  • Water: Clean, fresh water is a universal offering appreciated by most deities, and it’s particularly fitting for Horus, who is associated with life-giving forces.
  • Incense: Specific types of incense like frankincense and myrrh are traditional offerings to Egyptian deities. The rising smoke of the incense is thought to carry your prayers to the heavens.
  • Gold and Jewelry: Horus, being a sky god and a god of kings, has a natural association with gold, the metal of the sun. Offerings of gold or jewelry, especially those featuring symbols associated with Horus, such as the Eye of Horus or a falcon, can be used to honor him.
  • Statues and Images: A statue or image of Horus can serve as an offering and a focal point for your devotion. It provides a physical representation to focus your intent.
  • Prayers and Songs: Verbal offerings such as prayers, hymns, or songs dedicated to Horus can also be powerful. These can be ancient Egyptian prayers or your own words of reverence and request.
  • Falcon Feathers: Since Horus is often depicted as a falcon, falcon feathers can symbolize him and serve as an offering. However, ensure that any feathers you use are obtained ethically and legally.

When making offerings, it’s important to do so with respect and sincerity. Remember, the value of an offering is not in its material worth, but in the intent and effort behind it.

Signs Horus is Calling You

Horus may reach out to you in a variety of ways, as deities often communicate through signs, symbols, and synchronicities.

It’s important to be open to these messages and to interpret them with discernment, understanding that they’re often personalized and multifaceted.

Here are some signs that Horus might be calling you:

  • Birds of Prey: Given that Horus is often depicted as a falcon, encountering birds of prey, especially falcons, in an unusual or repetitive manner might be a sign. This could be through seeing these birds in real life, in your dreams, or even frequently coming across images of them.
  • Sky Phenomena: Horus is a sky god, and unusual occurrences in the sky could be his calling card. This could be anything from a particularly striking sunrise or sunset, a unique cloud formation, or a sudden change in weather.
  • The Eye of Horus: If you start noticing the Eye of Horus symbol frequently – in art, jewelry, random patterns, dreams – it may be a sign that Horus is reaching out to you. This ancient Egyptian symbol represents protection, royal power, and good health.
  • Dreams: As with many deities, Horus can make his presence known in dreams. If you have vivid dreams of falcons, the sky, or Egyptian landscapes and symbols, Horus could be trying to communicate with you.
  • A Pull Towards Egyptian Mythology: Feeling a sudden, strong interest in ancient Egypt, its gods and goddesses, or its symbolism could be a sign from Horus. This interest could manifest as a desire to read, learn, or explore more about these topics.
  • Healing and Protection Needs: If you’re seeking healing or protection, Horus might be reaching out to you. He is a god of the sky and the sun, symbols of vastness and illumination, and is associated with health and protection.
  • Personal Resonance: Finally, a strong personal feeling or intuition can be a potent sign of a deity’s call. If you feel an unexplained connection or fascination with Horus, it might be that he is calling you.

Remember that these signs are subjective and can differ from person to person. It’s important to trust your intuition and personal experiences when interpreting these signs.

Crystals Associated with Horus

In the realm of crystal healing and spiritual practice, certain stones and crystals are often associated with specific deities due to their properties and symbolic significance.

Here are some crystals that resonate with the energy of Horus:

  • Lapis Lazuli: This deep blue stone with gold specks is strongly associated with ancient Egypt, where it was valued for its vibrant color. Its energy is said to promote wisdom and truth, much like the all-seeing eye of Horus. It also aids in communication and can help in spiritual journeying and dream work.
  • Falcon’s Eye (also known as Hawk’s Eye): A form of blue Tiger’s Eye, Falcon’s Eye crystal has a strong connection to Horus due to its link with falcons. This stone is known for its ability to provide perspective and clear vision, aligning with Horus’s role as a sky deity.
  • Sunstone: As Horus is also a solar deity, the sunstone’s bright, radiant energy aligns well with him. This stone is known for its joyful energy, promoting positivity, and instilling the courage to face new challenges, reflecting Horus’s role as a protector and warrior.
  • Clear Quartz: Known as the “master healer”, clear quartz amplifies energy and thought, and can aid in connecting with higher realms. Its clarity and brightness resonate with the illuminating energy of Horus.
  • Carnelian: Another stone cherished in ancient Egypt, carnelian’s bold, fiery energy aligns with the strength and courage that Horus embodies. It’s a stone of motivation, endurance, and leadership.
  • Turquoise: Turquoise has been used in the amulets and jewelry of many ancient cultures. In Egyptian symbolism, it represents joy, prosperity, and protection, mirroring the protective qualities of Horus.

As you work with these crystals, remember that each individual’s experience with a crystal can vary. The most important aspect is your personal connection and resonance with the stone.

Whether you choose to carry these crystals with you, meditate with them, or incorporate them into rituals or your living space, they can serve as powerful tools for deepening your connection to Horus.

Herbs Associated with Horus

Much like crystals, certain herbs carry an energetic signature that resonate with specific deities. These plants can serve as powerful tools for creating sacred spaces, enhancing rituals, or simply deepening our connection with the divine.

In relation to Horus, various herbs have been traditionally associated with him, reflecting his divine attributes and the mythology surrounding him.

Here are some of the key herbs linked to Horus:

  • Frankincense: This aromatic resin has been used for thousands of years in religious ceremonies and as an incense. It is often associated with divine presence and communication, making it a fitting herb for Horus, who is seen as a bridge between the earthly and celestial realms.
  • Myrrh: Another resin that has a long history of spiritual use, myrrh is often used for protection and healing. Its associations with health and wellness reflect Horus’ role as a protector and healer.
  • Lotus: The lotus flower holds special significance in Egyptian mythology, symbolizing rebirth and regeneration. The lotus is associated with Horus in his aspect as Heru-sa-Aset, or Horus, son of Isis, who was born of a lotus flower.
  • Papyrus: This plant was an essential resource in ancient Egypt, used for making paper, boats, and various other items. In a spiritual context, it symbolizes wisdom and knowledge, reflecting Horus’ role as a god of the sky and sun, illuminating the world with his wisdom.
  • Barley: In ancient Egypt, barley was a staple food and was also used in brewing beer. It symbolizes abundance and nourishment, aspects that can be linked to Horus’ role as a protective deity.

Incorporating these herbs into your rituals or spiritual practices can help to establish a deeper connection with Horus. Remember to use these plants respectfully, acknowledging their sacred nature and the divine energies they embody.

Working with Horus

Working with Horus can be a rewarding experience that connects you to ancient Egyptian culture and principles. As a god of the sky, protection, and kingship, Horus can guide you towards strength, authority, and balance.

Here are some ways to connect with Horus:

  • Study Ancient Egyptian Culture: A fundamental understanding of ancient Egyptian culture, history, and beliefs can create a strong foundation for your work with Horus. Research the story of Horus and his parents, Isis and Osiris, to gain a deeper understanding of his origins and significance.
  • Create an Altar: Setting up an altar dedicated to Horus can provide a focal point for your practices. You can include symbols associated with him, such as a falcon figurine, an image of the Eye of Horus, or a representation of the pschent crown. Crystals associated with Horus, like lapis lazuli or falcon’s eye, can also be added.
  • Rituals: Incorporate Horus into your rituals. This could be as simple as invoking his name at the start or end of a ritual, or it could involve more complex rituals specifically designed to honor or work with Horus. This might include offerings, prayer, or divination.
  • Offerings: Make regular offerings to Horus. As we mentioned earlier, these can include incense like frankincense, staple foods like bread and beer, or amulets of the Eye of Horus.
  • Meditation: Incorporate Horus into your meditation practice. Begin by visualizing him or one of his symbols during your meditation. You can also meditate on his many virtues and aspects, such as his connection with the sky, his role as a protector, or his association with kingship.
  • Dream Work: Given the ancient Egyptians’ reverence for dreams as messages from the gods, you might consider exploring dream work as part of your practice. Before sleep, ask Horus for guidance or signs, and keep a dream journal to record any significant symbols or themes.
  • Live in Ma’at: Embody the principles of Ma’at—truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, and justice—in your daily life. This can help align you with Horus’s energy and bring you closer to him.
  • Nature Connections: Spend time in nature, especially under the open sky, to feel closer to Horus. As a sky god, Horus is closely connected with the celestial realm, so activities like bird watching or simply observing the sky can help you connect with him.
  • Celebrate Ancient Egyptian Festivals: Participating in ancient Egyptian festivals can be a powerful way to honor Horus. For instance, the “Beautiful Festival of the Valley” was an important festival dedicated to honoring the dead, in which statues of Amun, Mut, and Khonsu were taken from Karnak to visit the mortuary temples on the West Bank and the tombs of deceased nobles. Even though Horus is not directly involved in this festival, participating in it can help you to understand more about the culture and religion of which Horus is a part.

Remember, the most important aspect of working with any deity, including Horus, is to approach with respect, patience, and sincerity. It may take time to establish a connection, and the relationship may evolve and change over time.

Each person’s experience will differ, so it’s crucial to listen to your intuition and personal experiences. Stay open to any guidance or signs you receive, and be willing to adjust your practices as needed.

Working with Horus should be a personal journey that grows and evolves over time.

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