Working with Hathor: Offerings, Herbs, Crystals & More

Hathor, the ancient Egyptian goddess of love, beauty, music, and fertility, has been revered for millennia. Her gentle and nurturing nature, combined with her powerful associations with the sun and sky, make her a deity of immense significance.

Hathor’s name, which means “House of Horus,” reflects her deep connection to the sky and her role as a celestial goddess.

Often depicted as a cow or a woman with cow’s horns between which the sun disk rests, Hathor embodies the principles of motherhood, love, and joy. She is a goddess who rejoices in the beauty of life and helps us to do the same.

About Hathor

Hathor, often referred to as the “Golden One,” is a multifaceted deity whose influence permeates various aspects of ancient Egyptian culture and spirituality. Her name, which translates to “House of Horus,” alludes to her intricate relationship with the sky god, Horus, and her celestial significance.

Born of the union between Nut, the sky goddess, and Ra, the sun god, Hathor’s lineage immediately positions her among the pantheon’s elite. Her divine parentage also explains her association with the sun and the sky. As the daughter of Ra, she often took on the role of the solar deity’s eye, embodying the sun’s protective and nurturing warmth.

Hathor’s depiction is a testament to her diverse roles. While she is most commonly portrayed as a serene cow or a woman with the ears of a cow, she can also be seen as a lioness, a falcon, a cobra, or even a sycamore tree.

Each of these forms highlights a different aspect of her nature. As a cow, she symbolizes fertility, nurturing, and protection. In her lioness form, she embodies the fierce protective qualities of a mother. As a sycamore tree, she represents rebirth and sustenance, often seen offering water and nourishment to the deceased souls in the afterlife.

Hathor’s domains weren’t just limited to celestial and nurturing roles. She was the goddess of music, dance, and joy.

Temples dedicated to Hathor, like the famous one at Dendera, were centers of celebration. Music echoed through the halls, and dances in her honor were a common sight. Her priestesses, known for their healing and musical talents, played the sistrum, a musical instrument sacred to Hathor, to appease and invoke her.

Furthermore, Hathor’s connection to love and beauty made her a favored deity among women, especially those seeking love or children. She was invoked during childbirth, providing protection to both the mother and the newborn.

Her role as a protector extended to the realm of the dead as well. She was seen as a guide, helping deceased souls transition to the afterlife.

Over time, Hathor’s influence merged with that of other deities. In certain regions, she was identified with Sekhmet, the lioness goddess of war, highlighting the duality of her nature – nurturing yet fiercely protective. She was also closely associated with Isis, another prominent goddess of love and magic, with both sharing roles related to motherhood and protection.

In essence, Hathor’s significance in ancient Egyptian culture cannot be overstated. She was the embodiment of joy, love, music, and motherhood, touching the lives of the people in myriad ways, from birth to death and beyond.

Symbols & Associations

Hathor’s associations and symbols paints a vivid picture of her multifaceted nature and the vast domains she presided over.

Each symbol connected to Hathor offers a deeper understanding of her roles and significance in the ancient Egyptian pantheon.

Hathor’s symbols and associations include:

  • Cow: The cow is perhaps the most iconic representation of Hathor. Symbolizing fertility, nurturing, and protection, the cow embodies Hathor’s maternal and gentle aspects. In many depictions, Hathor is shown as a full cow or a woman with the ears of a cow, emphasizing her nurturing nature and her role as a divine mother figure.
  • Sistrum: This ancient musical instrument, resembling a rattle, was sacred to Hathor. It was used in rituals and ceremonies to appease and invoke the goddess. The sound of the sistrum was believed to drive away evil spirits and bring joy, aligning with Hathor’s role as the goddess of music and dance.
  • Sun Disk: Often seen positioned between her cow horns, the sun disk signifies Hathor’s celestial connections and her relationship with Ra, the sun god. As the “Eye of Ra,” Hathor embodies the sun’s protective and nurturing warmth.
  • Menat Necklace: This heavy beaded necklace was not only a symbol of fertility and protection but also an instrument used in rituals dedicated to Hathor. The necklace would be shaken to produce a sound, much like the sistrum, to invoke the goddess during ceremonies.
  • Lioness: While the cow symbolizes Hathor’s gentle side, the lioness represents her fierce protective nature. This duality showcases Hathor’s versatility as both a nurturing mother and a fierce protector.
  • Mirror: Often made of polished copper or bronze, the mirror is a symbol of beauty and self-reflection. Hathor, as the goddess of beauty, was frequently associated with mirrors, emphasizing the importance of recognizing inner and outer beauty.
  • Sycamore Tree: Hathor was sometimes depicted as a sycamore tree, offering nourishment to the deceased souls. This association underscores her role as a provider and protector, even in the afterlife.
  • Turquoise: This vibrant blue-green stone was linked to Hathor, often used in jewelry dedicated to her. Turquoise was believed to offer protection and healing, resonating with Hathor’s protective qualities.
  • Pillars with Hathor’s Face: In many temples dedicated to Hathor, especially the renowned temple at Dendera, pillars carved with Hathor’s face can be found. These pillars not only honor the goddess but also serve as a reminder of her omnipresence and watchful gaze.
  • Djed Pillar: Associated with stability and endurance, the Djed pillar is sometimes linked to Hathor due to her connection with Osiris and the resurrection myth.

Each symbol and association connected to Hathor provides a window into understanding the depth and breadth of her influence in ancient Egyptian culture.

Whether as a nurturing mother, a fierce protector, a celestial deity, or the goddess of joy and beauty, Hathor’s symbols offer a comprehensive view of her divine essence.


Hathor’s vast array of powers reflects her diverse roles and the reverence with which she was held in ancient Egyptian culture.

As a deity whose influence spanned from the heavens to the earth and the underworld, her powers were both nurturing and protective, encompassing various aspects of life and death.

Hathor’s powers include:

  • Fertility and Procreation: One of Hathor’s primary roles was as a goddess of fertility. She blessed the land with bountiful harvests and women with the gift of childbirth. Couples seeking children would often invoke Hathor, asking for her blessings to conceive.
  • Protection: Hathor’s protective nature was evident in various facets. As a celestial deity, she shielded humanity from the scorching wrath of the sun. In her lioness form, she fiercely defended against any threats, embodying the protective rage that a mother has for her offspring. Additionally, her protective aura was sought during childbirth, ensuring the safety of both mother and child.
  • Music and Joy: As the goddess of music, dance, and joy, Hathor had the power to infuse life with happiness and celebration. Her temples resonated with the sounds of music, and her festivals were occasions of jubilation. She could alleviate sorrow, turning mourning into dancing.
  • Guidance in the Afterlife: Hathor’s influence wasn’t limited to the realm of the living. She played a crucial role in guiding souls in the afterlife, ensuring their safe passage and offering sustenance from her sacred sycamore tree.
  • Healing: Hathor was also revered as a deity of healing. With her soothing and nurturing nature, she could heal both physical ailments and emotional wounds. Temples dedicated to Hathor often served as places of healing, where the sick and the wounded sought her blessings.
  • Transformation: Embodying duality, Hathor had the power of transformation. She could transition from a gentle cow to a fierce lioness, symbolizing her ability to adapt and change according to the situation. This transformative power also extended to her role in rejuvenating the land and bringing forth new life.
  • Divination and Magic: Hathor’s connection to the celestial realm and her deep wisdom made her a deity associated with divination and magic. Her priestesses, known for their prophetic abilities, would invoke Hathor to gain insights into the future.
  • Control over Elements: As a sky deity associated with the sun disk, Hathor had influence over the elements. She could summon the winds, call forth rain, and bless the earth with the nurturing floods of the Nile.
  • Love and Beauty: As the goddess of love and beauty, Hathor had the power to ignite passion and ensure harmonious relationships. She was invoked in matters of the heart, ensuring love and unity.

Hathor’s powers, vast and varied, highlight her significance in the pantheon of ancient Egyptian deities.

Whether it was a farmer seeking a bountiful harvest, a couple longing for a child, or a soul navigating the intricacies of the afterlife, Hathor’s presence was a source of comfort, guidance, and blessing.


In the ancient Egyptian religious practices, offerings were a way to honor the deities, seek their blessings, and ensure harmony between the mortal and divine realms.

Given Hathor’s vast domains of influence, the offerings made to her were diverse, reflecting her various roles and attributes.

Offerings to Hathor include:

  • Milk and Honey: Representing fertility, nourishment, and abundance, milk and honey were commonly offered to Hathor. These offerings symbolized her nurturing aspect and her role as a provider.
  • Bread and Barley: As a goddess associated with fertility and the bounties of the earth, freshly baked bread and barley were presented to Hathor, acknowledging her blessings that ensured a good harvest.
  • Figs and Dates: These fruits, abundant in ancient Egypt, were symbolic of fertility and life. Offering them to Hathor was a gesture of gratitude for her blessings of abundance.
  • Beer and Wine: In celebrations and festivals dedicated to Hathor, beer and wine played a significant role. These beverages were not only symbols of merriment and joy but also represented the transformative powers of Hathor.
  • Jewelry: Given Hathor’s association with beauty and love, jewelry made of gold, turquoise, and other precious stones were dedicated to her in temples and sacred spaces.
  • Mirrors: Reflecting Hathor’s domain over beauty, mirrors, especially those with intricate designs, were offered to the goddess. These mirrors symbolized self-reflection and the inner beauty that Hathor championed.
  • Music and Dance: As the goddess of music and joy, performances of song and dance were integral offerings to Hathor. Instruments like the sistrum, closely associated with her, were played in her honor, turning rituals into celebrations.
  • Perfumes and Oils: Fragrant oils, incense, and perfumes were offered to Hathor, enveloping her shrines in alluring scents. These offerings were symbolic of purification and the desire to appease the goddess.
  • Fresh Flowers: Flowers, especially those that bloom along the Nile, were presented to Hathor. Their transient beauty resonated with Hathor’s attributes of love, beauty, and the cyclical nature of life.
  • Statuettes: Small figurines, often made of clay or carved from stone, representing Hathor or animals associated with her, were common offerings. These statuettes served as tokens of devotion and reverence.
  • Prayers and Hymns: Words held power in ancient Egyptian beliefs. Devotees would recite hymns and prayers dedicated to Hathor, invoking her blessings and expressing gratitude. These verbal offerings were as valuable as tangible gifts, forging a deep connection between the devotee and the deity.
  • Feathers: Symbolizing Ma’at, the ancient Egyptian concept of truth, balance, and order, feathers were sometimes offered to Hathor, emphasizing the desire for harmony and balance in one’s life.

Making offerings to Hathor was not just a ritualistic practice but a deeply personal act of devotion.

Whether it was a simple farmer presenting the first fruits of his labor or a pharaoh dedicating elaborate treasures, the underlying sentiment was one of gratitude, reverence, and a desire to connect with the divine essence of Hathor.

Signs Hathor is Calling You

Hathor has a unique way of reaching out to those she seeks or those who seek her.

Recognizing the signs of her call requires a blend of intuition, awareness, and understanding of her symbols and attributes.

Here are some indications that the goddess Hathor might be trying to connect with you:

  • Dreams and Visions: One of the most profound ways deities communicate is through dreams. If you find yourself dreaming of a woman with cow-like features, a sistrum, or the vast landscapes of Egypt, it might be Hathor reaching out. Visions of music, dance, or celebrations in your dreams can also be indicative of her presence.
  • Resonance with Music and Dance: A sudden inclination or deepened interest in music, especially ancient Egyptian melodies or instruments like the sistrum, might be a sign. If you feel an unexplained urge to dance or express yourself through rhythmic movements, Hathor might be guiding you.
  • Attraction to Symbols: If you find yourself drawn to Hathor’s symbols, like the sistrum, cow motifs, turquoise jewelry, or the image of the sun disk between cow horns, it’s a strong indication of her call.
  • Encounters with Cows: Given Hathor’s strong association with cows, repeated or significant encounters with these gentle creatures, whether in real life, art, or media, can be a sign from the goddess.
  • Sudden Interest in Ancient Egypt: A newfound fascination with ancient Egyptian culture, rituals, or specifically with Hathor’s legends and stories, can be a clear indication of her influence.
  • Experiences of Love and Beauty: If you find yourself more attuned to the beauty around you, be it in nature, art, or human connections, or if you experience profound feelings of love and compassion, Hathor might be touching your life.
  • Recurring Themes of Fertility: Encountering symbols or themes of fertility, childbirth, or motherhood frequently in various aspects of your life can be a sign from Hathor, given her role as a fertility goddess.
  • Sensations of Comfort and Nurturing: Feelings of being nurtured, comforted, or protected, especially during challenging times, can be Hathor’s way of wrapping you in her maternal embrace.
  • Resonance with Celestial Phenomena: If you find yourself gazing at the sky, especially during the golden hours of sunrise or sunset, and feel a deep connection or revelation, it might be Hathor’s celestial aspect reaching out to you.
  • Encounters with Turquoise: Given the significance of turquoise in honoring Hathor, repeatedly coming across this gemstone or feeling an inexplicable attraction to it can be a sign.
  • Guidance in Transitions: If you’re going through a significant transition in life, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual, and you feel a guiding force helping you navigate, it could be Hathor, given her role as a deity of boundaries and transitions.

Recognizing Hathor’s call requires an open heart and a receptive mind. It’s essential to trust your intuition and feelings.

If you believe Hathor is reaching out, take a moment to reflect, meditate, or even reach out to her through prayer or offerings.

Crystals Associated with Hathor

Hathor has a deep connection with the Earth and its treasures. As such, various crystals, with their unique energies and properties, resonate with her essence and attributes.

Crystals associated with Hathor include:

  • Turquoise: This blue-green stone has a rich history in ancient Egyptian culture. Revered for its beauty and protective qualities, turquoise was often used in jewelry and amulets dedicated to Hathor. It symbolizes the goddess’s sky and water domains and is believed to bring forth harmony, protection, and creative expression.
  • Malachite: With its vibrant green bands, malachite is a stone of transformation and balance. Given Hathor’s association with fertility and rebirth, malachite resonates with her energy, promoting growth, transformation, and the healing of emotional wounds.
  • Rose Quartz: As the stone of unconditional love, rose quartz aligns perfectly with Hathor’s domain over love and beauty. This gentle pink crystal fosters love, compassion, and emotional healing, embodying Hathor’s nurturing and loving essence.
  • Lapis Lazuli: This deep blue stone with golden flecks was highly prized in ancient Egypt. Representing the night sky and the mysteries of the cosmos, lapis lazuli connects with Hathor’s celestial aspect. It promotes wisdom, intuition, and spiritual insight.
  • Carnelian: A vibrant orange-red stone, carnelian was commonly used in ancient Egyptian jewelry and amulets. It embodies vitality, courage, and passion, resonating with Hathor’s joyous and celebratory nature.
  • Moonstone: With its ethereal glow, moonstone connects with the cyclical nature of life, fertility, and the divine feminine. Given Hathor’s roles in childbirth and motherhood, moonstone’s energy aligns with her protective and nurturing attributes.
  • Golden Calcite: This radiant golden crystal embodies the sun’s energy, resonating with Hathor’s solar aspect. It promotes clarity, self-confidence, and the ability to embrace one’s power and potential.
  • Emerald: Another green gemstone, emerald, with its calming and balancing energy, was associated with fertility, rebirth, and eternal life in ancient Egyptian beliefs. Its connection with Hathor emphasizes her role in ensuring harmony and renewal.
  • Selenite: This luminous white crystal, with its connection to the moon and divine light, aligns with Hathor’s celestial and nurturing attributes. Selenite fosters clarity, spiritual insight, and a deep sense of peace.
  • Red Jasper: Representing strength, grounding, and stability, red jasper connects with Hathor’s protective and nurturing side. It’s a stone that anchors one’s energy, promoting endurance and resilience.

When working with Hathor, incorporating these crystals into rituals, meditation, or simply carrying them can help strengthen your connection with the goddess.

Herbs Associated with Hathor

Hathor’s vast domains, encompassing love, beauty, music, and fertility, naturally align with various herbs and plants that have been revered for their magical and medicinal properties.

These herbs not only resonate with Hathor’s essence but also serve as tools to connect with her energy.

Herbs associated with Hathor include:

  • Papyrus: This tall, reed-like plant was a symbol of life and fertility in ancient Egypt. Papyrus was used to make paper, boats, and various other items. Its association with Hathor emphasizes her connection to the life-giving waters of the Nile and the cyclical nature of life.
  • Lotus: The sacred blue lotus was a symbol of rebirth, purity, and beauty in ancient Egyptian culture. As the flower submerges in the evening and re-emerges in the morning, it mirrors the sun’s journey and the cycle of life and death. Hathor, often depicted with lotus flowers, embodies its energies of renewal and transformation.
  • Myrrh: This resin, with its rich, earthy scent, was used in ancient Egyptian rituals, perfumes, and medicines. Myrrh resonates with Hathor’s nurturing and protective aspects, offering healing, purification, and spiritual upliftment.
  • Sycamore Fig: Hathor was sometimes referred to as the “Lady of the Sycamore” as she was believed to provide nourishment from the sycamore tree to the deceased in the afterlife. The sycamore fig, thus, represents Hathor’s role as a provider and protector.
  • Barley: As a grain associated with fertility and abundance, barley aligns with Hathor’s domain over fertility and the earth’s bounties. It was used in brewing beer, a drink offered to Hathor in various rituals.
  • Henna: This herb, used to create intricate body art, was a symbol of beauty, joy, and celebration. Hathor, as the goddess of beauty and dance, resonates with henna’s energy, emphasizing joyous expression and adornment.
  • Mandrake: Revered for its magical properties and its human-like root, the mandrake was associated with love, fertility, and protection. Its connection to Hathor underscores her roles in love rituals and fertility rites.
  • Cypress: This evergreen tree, with its tall and slender form, was a symbol of life after death in ancient Egyptian beliefs. Its association with Hathor highlights her role in the cycles of life, death, and rebirth.
  • Rose: A universal symbol of love and beauty, the rose, with its alluring scent and delicate petals, embodies Hathor’s essence of love, passion, and sensuality.
  • Mint: Refreshing and invigorating, mint was used in ancient Egyptian medicines and rituals. It aligns with Hathor’s rejuvenating and revitalizing energies, promoting clarity and renewal.

When working with Hathor, incorporating these herbs into rituals, offerings, or even meditative practices can help deepen the connection with the goddess.

Working with Hathor

Whether you’re seeking to cultivate love, embrace your own beauty, or delve into the rhythms of life, working with Hathor can be a transformative experience.

Here’s a deeper exploration into building a relationship with this revered deity:

  • Understanding Hathor: Before diving into rituals or practices, it’s essential to understand Hathor’s essence. Delve into ancient texts, myths, and stories that revolve around her. Recognize her roles, her symbols, and her influence in ancient Egyptian culture. This foundational knowledge will guide your practices and ensure a genuine connection.
  • Creating a Sacred Space: Dedicate a space in your home or garden to Hathor. Adorn it with her symbols—lotus flowers, sistrums, mirrors, and images or statues of cows. Incorporate the crystals and herbs associated with her to amplify her energy. This space will serve as a focal point for your rituals, meditations, and offerings.
  • Music and Dance: Hathor is the goddess of music and dance. Engage in rhythmic dances or play instruments like the sistrum, tambourine, or drums. Let the music move you, allowing Hathor’s energy to flow through you, bringing joy, liberation, and a deeper connection to the rhythms of life.
  • Meditation and Visualization: Engage in guided meditations that focus on Hathor’s domains. Visualize her golden energy enveloping you, guiding you through realms of love, beauty, and fertility. Feel her nurturing presence and seek her guidance in matters of the heart and soul.
  • Ritual Baths: Incorporate ritual baths into your practice. Use rose petals, milk, honey, and essential oils associated with Hathor. As you immerse yourself, visualize the water cleansing and rejuvenating you, infusing you with Hathor’s essence of love and beauty.
  • Offerings and Devotion: Regularly present offerings to Hathor. This can include fresh flowers, especially lotus or roses, sweet treats, music, dance, or even simple prayers of gratitude. By giving back, you strengthen your bond with the goddess.
  • Engage with Nature: Hathor’s connection to fertility and the earth makes nature an ideal place to connect with her. Spend time outdoors, especially near bodies of water, which were sacred to Hathor. Embrace the beauty around you, recognizing Hathor’s touch in every bloom and every sunset.
  • Seeking Guidance: If you’re facing challenges, especially in matters of love or personal growth, seek Hathor’s guidance. Light a candle, focus on her image, and present your concerns. Listen intently, as guidance might come in subtle ways—a sudden insight, a dream, or even a sign in your surroundings.
  • Celebrate Festivals: Engage in festivals dedicated to Hathor. The ancient Egyptians celebrated the Feast of Hathor, marking the beginning of the harvest season. You can recreate this in a modern context, celebrating the bounties of life, love, and beauty.
  • Personal Adornment: Embrace the aspect of beauty associated with Hathor by adorning yourself. This doesn’t necessarily mean lavish outfits but recognizing and highlighting your unique beauty. Wear jewelry made of crystals associated with Hathor, use henna, or simply dress in a way that makes you feel beautiful and confident.

Working with Hathor is a journey of love, beauty, and self-discovery.

As you deepen your connection with her, you’ll find yourself more attuned to the rhythms of life, more appreciative of beauty in all its forms, and more open to love in its myriad manifestations.

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