Wicca vs Druidism: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to nature-based spirituality, Wicca and Druidry are the two religions most people think of immediately. However, while they do both have a reverence for nature as the heart of their beliefs, they’re really very different.

What are the differences between Wicca and Druidry, and how do their beliefs to each other?

Main Differences Between Wicca & Druidry

To begin, let’s start with their origins. The Wiccan religion was created from an amalgamation of pan-European folk magic practices and ancient beliefs, first written about and popularized by Gerald Gardner in 1950.

While many aspects of Wicca can be traces back to the traditions of the British Isles, it also draws from Germanic Heathenry and other traditions.

Druidry, or druidism, is a modern incarnation, imagining, or reconstruction of the beliefs of the druids. It’s largely based on the religious practices of the ancient Celts, though modern druids may also worship pantheons from other cultures.

With these two origins in mind, it’s easy to see that there’d be a number of key differences between the two.

Some of the key differences between Wicca and Druidry include:

  • Hierarchy. Wicca is organized into covens, Druidry is organized into groves.
  • Initiation. Wicca is secretive and initiatory, though some practitioners are solitary. Druidry is more open and experiential.
  • Worship. Wiccan rituals honor the Goddess and her consort, the God. Druid rituals honor nature spirits, ancestors, and whatever deities are relevant to the occasion.
  • Magic. Both religions use magic, but Wiccan spells are typically geared toward creating change and manifesting the witch’s desires. Druid magic places a heavier emphasis on awen, the energy of creativity and inspiration. Some branches of Druidry include a prayer to receive eloquence from a deity of inspiration in every ritual.
  • Astronomy. Druidism is more oriented toward solar holidays and phenomena, while Wicca is moon-focused.
  • Emphasis on religious aspects. Some branches of Druidry, like the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids, don’t consider themselves a religion at all — more like a philosophical and non-religious spiritual path. Wicca is a religion.
  • Codes of Ethics. Wicca has The Wiccan Rede and the Threefold Law as a moral guide. Different branches of Druidism have their own moral and ethical codes, such as the Nine Druidic Virtues or Three Goals.

Wicca Core Beliefs

The Wiccan religion has some key beliefs that are fairly consistent across covens and branches of the religion, though their interpretation may vary:

  • The polarity of the divine. Divinity is personified as both Goddess and God energy, which presents as the Divine Goddess and her consort.
  • Initiations. With the exception of solitary practitioners, witches must be initiated.
  • Degrees. Witches progress through different degrees in Wicca, as they learn and refine their craft.
  • Magic. Wiccans generally use magic, though there are certainly some people who follow the religious aspect of Wicca without casting spells.
  • The divinity of nature. Wiccans consider nature a sacred manifestation of the divine.
  • The afterlife. Most Wiccans believe in some form of afterlife. Some may believe in reincarnation, or an eternal home for the soul where there’s no suffering, pain, or concept of time. Wiccans don’t believe in heaven, hell, or the concept of eternal damnation.
  • Holidays. Wiccans celebrate eight major holidays throughout the year, called Sabbats. They also celebrate monthly lunar Esbats.
  • Avoiding harm. Wiccans believe that it’s wrong to intentionally cause harm. Some interpret this as a need to avoid all kinds of harm, while others feel that some harm is acceptable if it prevents a greater harm.
  • The spirit realm. Wiccans believe in a spiritual Otherworld, though this belief may take different forms from person to person.

See also: Check out the current top 100 Best-Selling Wicca books in the USA here.

Druidry Core Beliefs

There are multiple branches of Druidry, each with their own beliefs and emphasis (or lack thereof) on religion. Any attempt to write about their core beliefs is a generalization, but here are some concepts that can broadly apply to most druids:

  • A lack of dogma. Druidry is a flexible belief system that relies heavily on spirituality and personal experience.
  • Nature as the divine. Nature is a key focus of Druidism. When possible, rituals are performed outdoors, in groves. The majority of druids are environmentalists.
  • Magic. Many druids use magic.
  • The afterlife. Many druids believe in reincarnation, with the soul spending time in the otherworld between earthly lives. Others believe that the soul can choose not to reincarnate, and dwell in the otherworld instead.
  • Holidays. Druids celebrate eight High Days throughout the year.
  • Interconnection. Druids believe that all beings are connected and share reciprocal relationships. This belief guides much of druidic morality and ethics.
  • The otherworld. Druids believe in an otherworld, which may be visited during meditation or trace states.

See also: Check out the current top 100 Best-Selling Druidism books in the USA here.

Getting started with Nature Based Spirituality

It’s important to note that, while the Wiccan religion and Druidism have a lot of differences, they aren’t mutually exclusive at all. If you feel drawn to both, there’s no reason to feel like you have to make a choice.

For some, Wicca is a religion, and Druidry is an environmental philosophy. For others, their experience with Wicca informs how they practice their Druidry, and vice versa. Both paths are entirely complementary.

If you want to get started on one (or both), begin by researching their different branches. Some types of Druidry are more religion-focused, like that practiced by Ár nDraíocht Féin, while others can be more loosely spiritual.

Different schools of Wicca have their own unique focus and ritual structure, as well. Reach out to these groups and see what information they can provide you. No matter whether you want to join a grove, a coven, or just remain a solitary practitioner, your practice and your magic will only benefit from experience.

The more you learn about the different spiritual, philosophical, and religious paths out there, the more knowledge you’ll have to guide you on your own path.

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