Third Eye Herbs & Essential Oils

The third eye chakra, Ajna, gets a lot of attention. It’s the energy center that governs intuition, divination, and perception. People who work with subtle energies focus heavily on the third eye, since this is the seat of their ability to perceive these energies.

When this energy center becomes blocked, it can manifest as tension, eye strain, headaches, trouble concentrating, and brain fog. There are many meditations that that focus on opening the third eye, but herbs and essential oils are also very useful tools for clearing this important chakra.

Here are some of the best herbs and essential oils for cleansing, balancing, and opening the third eye chakra:

1. Clary sage

Salvia sclarea has been used medicinally to clear debris from the eyes. This sage relative produces seeds that yield a lot of mucilage when wet, which makes them perfect for gently removing things that cloud vision.

It’s also a very calming, grounding oil, with a wonderfully clean, herbaceous scent. Magically, it’s a dream herb. Dilute clary sage oil in a neutral carrier oil and anoint the brow and temples before bed. You can also burned dried clary sage as incense before meditation.

See also: Check out Clary Sage essential oils here.

See article: Sage: Magical Properties, Benefits & Uses.

2. Eyebright

Members of the Euphrasia genus produce lovely flowers and potent medicine. The name “eyebright” refers to their use as a treatment for conditions that affect the eye.

Magically, it’s used in spells for creativity, memory, and shifts in perception. It can be used as a supplement, or drunk as a tea to benefit the third eye chakra.

3. Frankincense

The resin and oil of Boswellia trees are sometimes called the kings of oil and incense. Frankincense is useful for all of the chakras, since it’s universally cleansing and has a high vibration.

The resin’s earthy, piney-citrus scent is good for meditation, and the oil makes a helpful anointing oil when blended with a neutral carrier. Burn the raw resin on a charcoal disk, use the pure essential oil in aromatherapy jewelry, or create your own anointing oil and rub a drop on the brow and temples.

See also: Check out Frankincense essential oils here.

See article: Frankincense: Magical Properties, Benefits & Uses.

4. Ginkgo

Ginkgo biloba trees are incredibly ancient, and the only surviving member of the order Ginkgoales. These trees first appeared nearly 300 million years ago, which means they hold a lot of ancient wisdom.

Their leaves are a mild blood thinner and anti-inflammatory, purported to help increase circulation in the brain and reduce symptoms like confusion, memory loss, and brain fog. Take the leaves in supplement form to aid the third eye chakra.

5. Lavender

Lavandula species are considered excellent herbs and oils for all of the chakras. It’s calming, cleansing, and carries a very high spiritual vibration. Lavender is also regarded as excellent for meditation, psychic insight, intuition, and dream work.

Consume the dried flowers in beverages, or infuse them into a relaxing bath. You can also dilute the essential oil into a neutral carrier oil, and use it to massage the brow area to relieve tension and open the third eye chakra.

See also: Check out Lavender essential oils here.

See article: Lavender: Magical Properties, Benefits & Uses.

6. Mint

Mentha species are magically associated with a lot of things, but their most important property here is their ability to clear the head. Some also find it helpful for soothing headaches (especially those that come with nausea as a side-effect).

It’s a wonderful herb for connecting mind and body, and an important ally for people who experience fatigue and brain fog.

Wear mint oil in essential oil jewelry throughout the day, make an essential oil roller for your temples, or drink tea made with dried mint leaves.

See article: Mint: Magical Properties, Benefits & Uses.

7. Mugwort

Artemisia vulgaris is a lush, green herb most often used in teas, dream pillows, and as incense for divination and psychic abilities. It’s an excellent herbal ally for opening the third eye chakra before any activity that relies on the perceptive, intuitive mind.

Consume dried mugwort in tea, or burn bundles of the dried leaves. Avoid taking mugwort during pregnancy, as it can stimulate uterine contractions.

See article: Mugwort: Magical Properties, Benefits & Uses.

8. Passionflower

Despite the name “passionflower,” members of Passifloraceae are relaxants. Passionflower helps ease symptoms of anxiety and insomnia, which makes it very useful for people whose third eye blockages manifest as trouble sleeping.

Metaphysically, this herb is excellent for connecting to one’s intuition. Consume the dried herb as a tea, tincture, or supplement.

9. Poppy

The seeds of Papaver somniferum are the source of opium and other naturally-derived opiates, but, when harvested after their morphine content has decreased, they’re also a nutritious food that can help open and balance the third eye chakra.

They’re associated with sleep, peace, and imagination. Unlike mint, poppy has a reputation for fogging the mind — in this case, by helping to put the user in touch with their creative, intuitive self. Consume poppy seeds in food as a flavoring or garnish.

10. Reishi

Ganoderma lucidum is not an herb, it’s actually a mushroom. This fungus is commonly called reishi, or lingzhi. In ancient Chinese herb lore, it’s considered a remedy that acts as a kind of intermediary between mundane and transcendental reality.

It supports a relaxed mood and is purported to act as a restorative tonic for the nervous system. Use it in supplement form, in small doses.

11. Rosemary

Salvia rosmarinus is a well-known culinary spice. Magically, it’s associated with memory, focus, protection, and cleansing. It also makes a helpful incense for any situation that requires the intuitive mind to focus, like during divination.

Burn dried rosemary needles on a charcoal disk, or dilute some of the essential oil in a neutral carrier oil and use it to anoint your brow and temples.

See also: Check out Rosemary essential oils here.

See article: Rosemary: Magical Properties, Benefits & Uses.

12. Honorable Mention: Caffeine

Caffeine is a mild stimulant naturally found in coffee, tea, yerba mate, and chocolate. In small doses, it can help with energy, mental focus, and clarity.

For best results, consume it with other plants that aid the third eye chakra — including dark blue or purple fruits like blueberries, or herbs like lavender.

Avoid overconsumption, as caffeine dependence can cause a withdrawal effect that leads to more brain fog and fatigue. It’s also best to get caffeine from natural sources, since these have antioxidants, micronutrients, and other compounds that benefit the mind and body.

We rely more on our intuition and ability to perceive subtleties more than we think we do. When the third eye chakra becomes blocked, it can be a very disorienting feeling.

These herbs and oils can help with the process of opening and balancing this energy center, restoring the third eye’s ability to focus.

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