The Six Realms of Buddhism Explained

The six realms of Buddhism are a fundamental part of the religion’s teachings on the cycle of reincarnation.

According to Buddhist belief, all beings are trapped in an endless cycle of death and rebirth, moving through different realms depending on their karma, or the consequences of their actions in past lives.

These realms include the realms of hell, hungry ghosts, animals, humans, demi-gods, and gods.


  • The realm of gods: This is the highest realm, where beings live in a state of great happiness and enjoyment. They have long life spans and are able to enjoy all kinds of pleasures, but they are still subject to death and rebirth.
  • The realm of demigods: This realm is a little lower than the realm of gods, and beings here are also able to enjoy a good deal of pleasure and happiness. However, they are often envious of the gods and may engage in conflict with them.
  • The human realm: This is the realm where we currently reside. In the human realm, beings are able to experience a wide range of emotions and have the ability to choose their actions. It is believed that this is one of the best realms to be reborn in because it provides the opportunity to practice the Buddha’s teachings and ultimately achieve enlightenment.
  • The animal realm: In this realm, beings are ruled by their instincts and are unable to think or reason in the same way that humans can. They are often subject to suffering and may be preyed upon by other animals.
  • The realm of hungry ghosts: This realm is characterized by insatiable hunger and thirst. Beings in this realm are constantly searching for something to satisfy their cravings, but they are never able to find it.
  • The hell realm: This is the lowest realm, where beings suffer unimaginable levels of torture and agony. It is believed that the suffering in this realm is so intense that a single moment can feel like an eternity.

Realm of the Gods

The realm of gods, also known as the deva realm, is the highest of the six realms in Buddhism. It is a state of existence where beings live in great happiness and enjoyment, with long life spans and access to all kinds of pleasures.

Beings in the realm of gods are believed to possess supernatural powers and abilities, such as the ability to fly or to travel through the air.

They are also able to perceive the world in a more refined and subtle way than humans, and are said to have a more developed sense of intuition and psychic ability.

Despite their privileged existence, however, beings in the realm of gods are not immune to suffering. They are still subject to death and rebirth, and must eventually leave the realm of gods and be reborn in another realm.

In addition, the pleasures of the realm of gods are said to be fleeting, and may eventually become a source of suffering if they are not used wisely.

In Buddhist teachings, the realm of gods is seen as a temporary state of existence that is not ultimately satisfying.

It is believed that the ultimate goal of spiritual practice is to transcend the cycle of death and rebirth altogether and achieve enlightenment, rather than simply being reborn in the realm of gods.

However, the realm of gods is still considered to be a desirable place to be reborn, as it provides the opportunity for a being to enjoy a relatively long and pleasant existence.

It is believed that beings who are reborn in the realm of gods have accumulated a great deal of positive karma in their past lives, and that their virtuous actions and thoughts have led them to this fortunate state of existence.

Realm of the Demigods

The realm of demigods, also known as the asura realm, is a state of existence that is a little lower than the realm of gods, and is characterized by a strong desire for power and material possessions.

Beings in the realm of demigods are said to be intelligent and ambitious, but also prone to jealousy and envy. They often engage in conflict with the gods, and may be driven by a desire to attain the same level of power and enjoyment as the gods.

The realm of demigods is often depicted as a place of struggle and conflict, as beings here compete with one another for power and resources. This can also lead to a great deal of suffering, as the desire for these things is never fully satisfied.

In Buddhist teachings, the realm of demigods is seen as a less desirable place to be reborn than the god realm, as it is characterized by a great deal of conflict.

However, it is still considered to be an improvement over the lower realms, such as the animal realm or the hell realm.

Beings who are reborn in the realm of demigods are believed to have accumulated some positive karma in their past lives, but may also have some negative tendencies that prevent them from being reborn in the higher realm of gods.

Through spiritual practice and the cultivation of virtuous actions and thoughts, it is possible for a being in the realm of demigods to eventually be reborn into the god realm.

The Human Realm

The human realm is considered to be one of the more desirable place to be reborn. This is because the human realm provides the opportunity for beings to practice the Buddha’s teachings and ultimately achieve enlightenment.

In the human realm, beings are able to experience a wide range of emotions and have the ability to choose their actions. They are not completely ruled by their instincts, as in the animal realm, and are able to think and reason.

However, the human realm is also subject to suffering, as all realms are. Beings in the human realm may experience physical pain, illness, and death, as well as mental suffering such as fear, anxiety, and sadness.

It is believed that the human realm is the better places to be reborn because it provides the opportunity to practice the Buddha’s teachings and to ultimately achieve enlightenment.

Through the practice of ethical conduct, mindfulness, and meditation, it is possible to cultivate positive actions and thoughts and to overcome suffering in this realm.

In Buddhist teachings, the human realm is seen as a precious and rare opportunity, and it is encouraged to make the most of this opportunity by striving to live a virtuous life and to achieve enlightenment.

By doing so, it is believed that it is possible to escape the cycle of death and rebirth completely and to achieve a state of perfect understanding and compassion.

The Animal Realm

The animal realm is a state of existence where beings are ruled by their instincts and are unable to think or reason in the same way that humans can.

Beings in the animal realm are driven by the basic needs of survival, such as the need for food, shelter, and reproduction. They are also subject to suffering, as they may be preyed upon by other animals or may experience physical pain and illness.

The animal realm is considered to be a lower realm than the human realm, as beings in this realm are unable to practice the Buddha’s teachings or to achieve enlightenment.

However, it is believed that it is possible for beings in the animal realm to accumulate positive karma and to be reborn in a higher realm in the future.

The animal realm is often used as a metaphor in Buddhist teachings to illustrate the idea of suffering and the importance of compassion.

It is believed that all beings, regardless of their realm of existence, are deserving of compassion and understanding, and that it is important to work towards creating a more peaceful and harmonious world for all beings.

The Hungry Ghost Realm

The realm of hungry ghosts, also known as the preta realm, is a state of existence characterized by insatiable hunger and thirst, where beings are constantly searching for something to satisfy their cravings but are never able to find it.

Beings in the realm of hungry ghosts are sometimes depicted to have very small mouths and stomachs, but extremely large appetites.

They may wander around searching for food and drink, but are unable to consume anything that they find. This leads to a great deal of suffering, as their cravings are never satisfied.

The realm of hungry ghosts is a lower realm than the human realm, as beings in this realm find it difficult to practice the Buddha’s teachings or to achieve enlightenment.

It is believed that beings in the realm of hungry ghosts have accumulated negative karma in their past lives through actions such as greed or selfishness.

The realm of hungry ghosts is often used as a metaphor in Buddhist teachings to illustrate the dangers of greed and the importance of living a simple and contented life.

The Hell Realm

The hell realm, also known as the naraka realm, is the lowest of the six realms in Buddhism.

It is a state of existence where beings suffer unimaginable levels of torture and agony. The suffering in this realm is said to be so intense that a single moment can feel like an eternity.

There are many different levels of the hell realm, each with its own particular forms of suffering. Some of the hells are said to be extremely hot, while others are extremely cold.

Some hells are filled with sharp objects or poisonous substances, while others are inhabited by terrifying beings that inflict suffering on the inhabitants.

The hell realm is seen as the result of negative actions and thoughts in previous lives.

Beings who are reborn in the hell realm are believed to have accumulated a great deal of negative karma through actions such as harming others or engaging in non-virtuous behaviors.

The hell realm is often used as a warning in Buddhist teachings, to illustrate the consequences of negative actions and the importance of cultivating positive actions and thoughts.


The six realms of Buddhism offer a detailed and complex view of the cycle of reincarnation, and the ways in which our actions in this life can impact our future lives.

They remind us that our choices have consequences, and that we have the power to break free from the cycle of suffering if we follow the path of enlightenment.

The realms also serve as a reminder of the importance of cultivating virtues such as generosity, compassion, and mindfulness, as these qualities can help us to avoid being reborn into the lower realms and can instead lead us towards a more favourable rebirth in the future.

It is worth noting that the concept of the six realms is not limited to Buddhism, and can be found in other Eastern spiritual traditions as well.

In some interpretations, the realms are seen as metaphorical, representing different states of mind or ways of being in the world. In others, they are understood to be actual realms of existence, where beings are reborn after death.

Regardless of the specific interpretation, the six realms offer a powerful framework for understanding the nature of suffering and the ways in which we can transform ourselves and our world.

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