Root Chakra Herbs & Essential Oils

Muladhara, the root chakra, is possibly the most important energy center. It governs every aspect of our physical survival. It’s the base of our fight-or-flight instinct, and the evolutionary drive that pushes us to do the things necessary for life.

This chakra is also the very first in the energy body — if it becomes blocked or unbalanced, that affects the flow of life force to every chakra above it. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that this chakra remains clear and healthy.

When Muladhara becomes blocked, it can also manifest as fear. This is more than just anxiety or a lack of confidence, it’s a deep, primal feeling, as though our very survival is threatened. It can make it hard to focus on or do anything else. Fortunately, there are many herbs and essential oils that can help correct this imbalance.

Here are some of the best herbs and essential oils for opening, healing, and balancing the root chakra:

1. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an evergreen herb from Africa and Asia. It’s said to be an adaptogen, meaning that it may alter its effects within the body depending on the user’s needs.

It’s also used for stress, depression, and inflammation, and there’s some evidence that it may help increase strength and muscle mass. This herb is typically taken in supplement form.

See also: Check out Ashwagandha supplements here, and Ashwagandha essential oils here.

2. Burdock root

Burdock root is a wonderful earthy herb that’s rich in minerals like magnesium and iron. It’s said to be a healing herb for everything from the skin to the digestive system, and a good blood-builder as well.

This herb heals the root chakra by serving as a physical supplier of the building blocks of a healthy body. Consume it in beverages, or as a salad. People under treatment for diabetes should use this herb with caution, since it can lower blood sugar.

See also: Check out Burdock Root products here.

3. Cayenne

Cayenne pepper is typically bright red, which ties it to the red root chakra. It’s also hot and stimulating, which makes it helpful for opening this energy center and speeding the flow of sluggish life force energy.

Users may consume it as a supplement, or add it to food as a seasoning. This herb is best for those who suffer from a blocked root chakra — people whose energy center is overactive or unbalanced may wish to try a different herb.

See also: Check out Cayenne pepper here, and Cayenne supplements here.

4. Cedar

In aromatherapy, cedar is a strengthening oil. It’s also calming and gently stimulating, helping to relax tension while it promotes the flow of life force energy. This lets the user activate their higher chakras, while staying connected to their lower ones and the grounding powers of the Earth.

Use body products containing cedarwood oil, burn cedar as incense, or create a dilute massage oil for use during meditation.

See also: Check out Cedar essential oils here.

5. Dandelion

Dandelion is similar to burdock root in action. It’s a bitter green, which means that it stimulates bile production and helps flush out the liver. Dandelions are also high in potassium and other minerals, and exert a diuretic action on the bladder and kidneys.

When used in tinctures, teas, or as a salad green, dandelion supplies minerals to the body and helps remove waste. As it grows, it develops a long taproot. This ties it to the element of Earth and the root chakra.

6. Frankincense

Frankincense is regarded as the “king of oils,” and almost a panacea. In aromatherapy, it’s calming, uplifting, and may improve lung function. In magic, it’s used to cleanse sacred spaces, and as a prosperity, luck, and blessing oil.

Frankincense is also said to connect the crown and root chakras, facilitating the flow of energy. For people suffering from the anxiety that accompanies a blocked root chakra, frankincense can help calm and clear at the same time.

Frankincense resin makes a fantastic incense, and the oil can be diluted in a neutral carrier to make an anointing oil.

See also: Check out Frankincense essential oils here.

See article: Frankincense: Magical Properties, Benefits & Uses.

7. Horseradish

Horseradish is a spicy root vegetable that’s typically consumed as a seasoning or condiment. It’s very stimulating, and can have a thermogenic effect that boosts circulation.

This herb is best for those with a blocked root chakra, since it’s a hot, stimulating spice. Those with an overactive chakra may wish to choose a different one.

8. Paprika

Paprika can be sweet, hot, or smoky. Like cayenne, it’s also a bright red spice. This means that this herb can have different effects on the root chakra, depending on the type. All of them are stimulating, but hot paprika is more so.

All types of paprika contain antioxidants, may help reduce inflammation, and can potentially help blood clotting and wound healing. Consume this herb as a seasoning.

See also: Check out Paprika seasoning here.

9. Patchouli

Patchouli is possibly the quintessential “earthy” herb. It has a very sweet, rich fragrance that’s reminiscent of healthy soil after a rain, with grounding, stress-relieving, and joyful properties.

Wear it in perfume, dilute it into a massage or anointing oil, or diffuse it in your home. (Be careful if you have pets or small children — diffused oils can be dangerous for them.)

See also: Check out Patchouli essential oils here.

10. Sandalwood

Sandalwood is often associated with the higher chakras, but it works well for Muladhara, as well. It’s a very calming, grounding oil with a comforting fragrance, and a wonderful aid for meditation.

It’s also said to stimulate life force energy, which can be very helpful for those struggling to open this chakra. Dilute this oil in a neutral carrier to make a massage or anointing oil.

See also: Check out Sandalwood essential oils here.

11. Vetiver

Vetiver, or khus khus, is an aromatic grass with a warm, sweet, earthy aroma. It’s grounding and calming, helping to induce deep, restful sleep.

Oil of vetiver is especially helpful for people with an overactive root chakra — it helps relax and stabilize at the same time. Make a massage oil using vetiver essential oil, or the whole roots infused in a neutral carrier.

See also: Check out Vetiver essential oils here.

12. Honorable Mention: Root vegetables

All things that grow in the soil are associated with the root chakra. Plants like turnips, carrots, potatoes, beets, and yams supply vital minerals, and are connected with the element of Earth.

Energetically, they have a stabilizing and grounding influence. Emotionally, many of them are comfort foods due to their high carbohydrate levels. Anyone hoping to heal and balance Muladhara could benefit from consuming more minimally-processed root vegetables.

The root chakra is the first gateway that vital energy must pass through on its way to the rest of the energy centers. If it isn’t functioning optimally, nothing else can, either.

These herbs and oils can help heal, balance, and open this area, allowing for the free and easy flow of energies.

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