Aventurine: Magical Properties, Benefits & Uses

Aventurine is a very pretty translucent stone with inclusions that almost look like glitter. These give it a characteristic shimmery appearance called aventurescence.

This stone is a powerful healer and magical tool, in addition to being a common subject for jewelry and stone carving.

About Aventurine

Aventurine is a type of quartz. Unlike clear quartz, it exhibits the aforementioned aventurescence. Because so much of its characteristics come from inclusions of various minerals, its color, hardness, and other properties can vary.

An aventurine stone isolated on a white background.

The most common type of aventurine, and the kind most people think of when they hear the word “aventurine,” is green to blue-green. India is the primary supplier of this stone.

See also: Check out Aventurine stones here.

Aventurine Healing Properties & Benefits

Emotionally, aventurine is used for releasing unpleasant feelings. It’s a gentle, harmonious, positive stone overall, though specific colors have their own attributes.

Blue stones are used for breaking bad habits, green for comforting, yellow for experiencing more control over one’s life, and pink for courage.

Physically, aventurine is used to help the nervous and circulatory systems. It’s said to balance nervous energy, lower blood pressure, and improve blood lipids.

It’s also considered to have an anti-inflammatory effect by crystal healers, who frequently use it to heal skin rashes.

See also: Check out Aventurine jewelry here.

Aventurine Magical Properties

Aventurine is a stone of luck. Even the name means, “By chance.” Keeping a tumbled stone in one’s left-hand pocket is said to draw good fortune — especially for gamblers.

This is more than a gambler’s charm, however. It’s a stone for overall good luck. Include it in money-drawing spells if you need a financial windfall or a lucky break, as opposed to slow, long-term growth.

Aventurine is also said to increase creativity, so it’s a wonderful charm for artists, musicians, actors, and writers — particularly those who need some help breaking into their respective industries.

According to the principles of color magic, aventurine has different strengths depending on the stone’s color. Green aventurine, the most common variety, is suitable for all magic tied to fertility, prosperity, growth, and beauty. Blue is for healing, guidance, peace, and truth.

A macro shot of aventurine crystal with magical and metaphysical properties.

Peach aventurine can fall under pink or orange, depending on the hue, so it may be useful for love, friendship, reconciliation, and confidence. Brown is useful for nature magic, grounding, and working with animals.

No matter what the color, it’s important to note that aventurine is, above all, a stone of good fortune. Whatever other properties it has are underscored by luck. A pinkish aventurine, then, is best used for luck in love, a blue one for a lucky breakthrough, and so forth.

Don’t forget the little gold flecks that sometimes occur in aventurine. These are pyrite, a magical stone with powerful solar energy. Pyrite is a force for success, manifestation, and protection, and can enhance the overall luck and positivity of aventurine.

When it comes to chakra work, the color of the stone dictates which energy center it’s associated with. Green stones are tied to Anahata, the heart chakra.

Blue are tied to Visuddha, the throat chakra. Brown may be used for Muladhara, the root chakra, and peach may be used for Manipura, the solar plexus chakra.

Aventurine History & Folklore

The name “aventurine” reflects its lucky energy — it comes from the Italian word “a ventura,” meaning “by chance.”

Interestingly, the aventurine stone isn’t the origin of this name. One legend holds that, in the 18th century, one lucky Italian glassmaker accidentally created goldstone by dropping copper filings into a vat of molten material.

This product, a kind of glass filled with glittering copper inclusions, was called “avventurino” after the circumstances of its creation. The glittery inclusions in natural aventurine make it resemble this glass, hence the name.

According to folklore, carrying a stone in your left pocket will grant you luck and attract wealth.

How to Cleanse Aventurine

As a type of quartz, aventurine can hold up against pretty much anything quartz stones can. It is a bit softer, however this difference is unlikely to matter to the average user.

Some methods for cleansing Aventurine include:

  • Burying the stone in soil. Green stones have a particular affinity for plants and Earth energies. If you can, bury the stone outdoors, in a small basket so you can easily find it again. If not, bury it in a potted plant.
  • Burying the stone in dried cleansing herbs.
  • Burying the stone in salt. Sea or Himalayan salt work best for this. Avoid iodized table salt, if possible.
  • Holding the stone in fresh, running water. Natural sources of water are preferable.
  • Bathing it in salt water.
  • Bathing it in an infusion of cleansing herbs.
  • Cleansing the stone with energy. Use your dominant hand to project cleansing energy into the stone, “sweeping” or “pushing” away negative energies.
  • Fumigating it with incense or herbs.
  • Placing it on a selenite stone or cleansing and charging plate.
  • Placing the stone briefly in sunlight.
  • Placing the stone in the light of a full moon.

If you wear aventurine as jewelry, you may need to physically clean it before you can cleanse it.

Some warm water, a few drops of dish soap, and a soft bristled brush (like a child’s toothbrush) will remove any traces of lotion, perfume, body oils, or other substances that can dull your jewelry over time. Once it’s clean, it can be cleansed.

Getting Started With Aventurine

Aventurine of any color is a very happy, positive stone. Of course, like anything, it can have its energy disturbed in the course of mining, polishing, shipping, and handling it.

Not all stones are energetically equal, either — some people will resonate more with some stones, while others will prefer others. Before you get started with any stone, it’s important to choose one that will work with you.

To do this, it’s best to physically examine and handle the stone you plan to purchase. For most people, their non-dominant hand is better at picking up on subtle energies, while the dominant hand is better at sending them out.

An aventurine gemstone with magical and metaphysical properties on a black background.

Go to a reputable crystal shop that sources their stones from ethical suppliers. See what they have to offer. If a crystal seems to call to you, pick it up with your non-dominant hand. Hold it next to your belly or heart, and close your eyes. How does it feel?

You might experience a variety of sensations, from tickling, to tingling, to pulsations. Even if you don’t feel much, the important thing here is to make sure that the stone’s energy doesn’t feel unpleasant. If it does, put it down and try a different one.

Once you’ve chosen your aventurine, take it home and cleanse it. This will reset its energy, removing any traces of its long trip from the soil to you. At this point, you can choose how you wish to use your stone.

If your aventurine is a piece of jewelry, you may wish to hold it in your dominant hand and visualize yourself surrounded by luck and abundance. Send this luck energy into the stone until it feels like it can’t hold anymore. If possible, wear your jewelry on your left side.

If your stone is for display, you may wish to charge it using the same method above, then put it near where you work in order to attract more opportunities and money to you.

If it’s a pocket stone, charge it with luck energy and keep it in your left pocket. When you feel the need for some good fortune, hold the stone, close your eyes, and picture yourself surrounded by good fortune.

Using an aventurine for healing is very similar. In this case, you will hold your stone in your dominant hand, visualize filling it with healing light, and place it on or near the body part most in need of help.

Aventurine’s mysterious, shimmering appearance has captured hearts and imaginations since its first use. It’s the ultimate stone of luck and opportunities, and all crystal users can benefit from including these lovely specimens in their collections.

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